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The lawyer of YevgeniyPanov cannot visit his client in Crimea

Евгений Панов
Евгений Панов

Igor Kotelyanets, brother of YevgeniyPanov that was detained in Crimea on so-called “Case of Ukrainian saboteurs” reported to the Crimean Human Rights Group that the lawyer in Crimea still cannot visit Yevgeniy.

EvgeniyPanov family made an agreement with a lawyer forhis protection and representation in Crimea. Already for several days the lawyer is trying to get a meeting with his client.Hevisited the investigator, but he did not give the opportunity to meet with EvgeniyPanov. The investigator reported that the detainee allegedly already has a lawyer. Igor Kotelyanets emphasizes that the family has signed a contract only with one lawyer, who was not allowed to EvgenyPanov yet.

Experts of Crimean Human Rights Group do not exclude that “to follow the formality” EvgeniyPanov was provided with a lawyer, but there are serious doubts that the lawyer provided by the Russian Federal Security Servicewill protect the interests of EvgeniyPanov. That is why it is very important that the interests of EvgeniyPanovshould be presented by the lawyer approved by relatives. “We do not excludethat YevgeniyPanov is forced to regect all lawyers, except those which “satisfy”the investigation and the Russian Federal Security Service”, – reported Olga Skrypnyk, head of the Crimean Human Rights Group.

Also Igor reported to CHRG that the family does not trust other lawyers: “Even if Zhenya (Ed. – EvgeniyPanov) allegedly refused from our lawyer, we still insist that our lawyer should be involved in the process”, – he concluded. He believes that the investigators do not allow the lawyer to continue getting “necessary evidences” fromZhenya.

Recall that on 10 August the Russian Federal Security Serviceannounced the alleged “prevention of terrorist attacks in Crimea, organized by the Intelligence Service of Ukraine”. It was reported that during the night from 7 to 8 of August “Russian special services with the support of other power units prevented several attempts of penetrationof terrorist groups from Ukrainian territory to Crimea. Russian military and the officer of the Russian Federal Security Service were killed during the operation”.

The Russian Federal Security Service reported that allegedly one of the organizers – a resident of Zaporozhye region of Ukraine EvgeniyPanov was detained in Crimea. In Russian media,by the Russian Federal Security Service behest, he was named as an employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Ministry of Defense, Defense Intelligence, the National Security Council of Ukraine refuted reports about Ukrainian diversionists.

According to the Russian Federal Security Service, Panov gave confessions that were aired by the Russian TV channels. At the same time, human rights activists and experts who analyzed the video believe that the evidences against himselfwere given by Panov under torture or pressure.

The names of two other detainees were reported – Andrei Zahtey and RedvanSuleymanov. Panov and Zahteyare already arrested for a period of two months.

On 17 August “Interfax” with reference to its own source in Russian law enforcement agencies reported that EvgeniyPanov and otherpeople that were detained by Russian security services on suspicion of sabotage will be judged in Crimea.



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