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Two Administrative Reports against Editor-in-Chief of KYRYM Newspaper

2 administrative cases have been opened against Bekir Mamut, Editor-in-Chief of KYRYM Newspaper.

As reported by KRYMSKYI DISKURS (Crimean Discourse) Telegram channel, the administrative offence reports were drawn up under RF CoAO articles popular in Crimea: 13.15 (abuse of freedom of speech) and 20.3.3 (discreditation of the Russian Armed Forces).

The CEC (Counter Extremism Center) officers searched Bekir Mamut’s house and the KYRYM editorial office in the morning, and then he was kept in the CEC office for 6 hours without his lawyer’s presence.

To remind: in 2021 the occupation authorities accused already Mr. Mamut of “abusing the mass media freedom” for quoting the UN Secretary General’s report where the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People was mentioned

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