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Man Sentenced to 18 Years for Attempt to Assassinate Aksionov, As Russia Says

The Southern Area Military Court in Rostov-na-Donu found Ihor Korchynskyi, aged 35, guilty in “preparing assassination attempt” against Sergey Aksionov, leader of Crimea occupation regime, as it was said.

According to the Russian Prosecutor’s Office website, Mr. Korchynskyi was said to have “been trained to use explosive devices under guidance of a Security Service of Ukraine man, and in June 2023, he took an explosive substance from the hidden place in Simferopol to install it later in the Aksionov’s car to kill him”.

Mr. Korchinskyi was accused of preparing at act of terror (RF CC Article 30-1, Article 205-1), undergoing a training to commit an act of terror (RF CC Article 205.3) and storing weapons illegally (RF CC Article 222.1-3v).

The man was sentenced to 18 years in the maximum-security regime penal colony, with serving the first 4 years in prison, and a RUR350,000 penalty.

Earlier ROSFINMONITORING included Mr. Korchynskyi in the list of terrorists and extremists. It is stated there that he was born in Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Region.

Earlier Aksionov, occupation “leader” of Crimea, stated that there had been four assassination attempts against him for the last year, as he said.

In May 2023, the FSB stated that several citizens of Ukraine and Russia, as it is said, had been preparing an assassination attempt on the occupation administration of the peninsula: Viktor Pidvalnyi, Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Serhiy Kryvosheyin, Kostiantyn Yevmenenko, Ihor Zorin and Serhiy Voynarovskyi.

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