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Older Mother of Seyran Saliyev, Political Prisoner, Was Moved Away by FSB and Is Kept Without Medical and Legal Aid

Матір політв'язня Сейрана Салієва — Зодіє Салієва. Кримська солідарність

On August 29, 2024, at 07:00am, the FSB men came to the apartment of Zodiye Saliyeva, a Crimean Tatar activist and mother of Seyran Saliyev, political prisoner, to carry out a search.

One of them entered the apartment, where he was talking with Mrs. Saliyeva for half an hour, with three of them being in the car. The security officer was unable to carry out a search due to the wrong apartment number in the order.

However, security men still took the woman away, seized her phone and transferred her to an unknown destination. They said that they would have a certain conversation, after which she would return home, her daughter-in-law Mumine Saliyeva told CRIMEAN SOLIDARITY.

Later the daughter-in-law came to “FSB Bakhchisarai unit” where an officer on duty told her that Zodiye Saliyev had not been brought there.

“Upon the question of lawyer [Edem Semedliayev] who is at the FSB building in Simferopol, the officer on duty also said that a statement should be made, and an answer would be given within 30 days,” Mumine Saliyeva said.

As activists report, this is not the first detention of Zodiye Saliyeva. In February 2022, she came to the “Bakhchisarai District Court” to be attend the court session in the case of Edem Dudakov, delegate of the Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people. The security men took an elderly veteran of the Crimean Tatar movement to a prisoner van. She felt bad in the “police” station where she was brought later. The police called an ambulance for Zodiye and released her against an undertaking to appear. Later ‘court’ decreed on imposing a penalty under the article of “mass presence in a public place, which caused a violation of public order.”

Earlier, in December 2020, the police came to the apartment where both Zodiye and Mumine Saliyevas are registered, and questioned them about the theft of boards at a construction site nearby. Mumine Saliyeva called this security men’s visit “pressure on activists in Crimea.”

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