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“Case of Commandos”: Two Men Sentenced to 6 and 20 Years for Allegedly Preparing Acts of Sabotage in Crimea

The Southern Area Military Court of the Russian Federation sentenced two people – Artur Agasarian and Oleksiy Vasiutin – to 6 and 20 years for the alleged attempt to blow up the car of an FSB officer in Kerch as well as collection of information about the railway infrastructure of Crimea and the movement of the Russian army. This is reported by the Russian media with reference to the court press office.

The men are said to collect information about the railway infrastructure and movements of occupiers, doing, as stated, as instructed by “special security services of Ukraine”.

“Agasarian was ordered to purchase components for mounting an IED on the car of a Russia FSB department officer to carry out a terrorist act. On June 26, 2023, Agasarian together with Vasiutin purchased the components, after which they were detained by the Russia FSB men. According to the court’s verdict, they got custodial sentences: Agasarian – 20 years in the maximum-security regime penal colony with serving the first three years in jail, and penalty of RUR500,000; and Vasiutin – 6 years in the maximum security regime penal colony and penalty of RUR350,000”, TASS quotes the court announcement.

There are a lot of people among the political prisoners deprived of freedom in Crimea, whose cases are grouped due to their accusation of espionage, acts of sabotage and terror. The human rights defenders refer to these cases as “cases of Ukrainian commandos”.

“Among these people there are those who are accused of espionage and then by torturing they are forced to admit their guilt and talk down on themselves. And some agree, because the Russians falsely promise that if they recognize themselves not as civilians, but as being a part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the SBU, GUR, etc., then they will be exchanged sooner. Of course, this is all a lie. They do this in order to make statistics and show in the media space that Russia is successful in fighting against Ukrainian commandos in Crimea”, Ms. Iryna Siedova, a human right defender, told SUSPILNE CRIMEA.

As reported by the CHRG, at least 40 citizens of Ukraine are incarcerated under the Crimean “cases of Ukrainian commandos” including the people detained in Crimea: Volodymyr Dudka, Oleksiy Bessarabov, Dmytro Shtyblikov, Hennadiy Limeshko, Leonid Parkhomenko, Kostiantyn Davydenko, Dmytro Dolhopolov, Anna Sukhonosova, Yunus Masharipov, Ivan Yatskin, Halyna Dovhopola, Vladyslav Yesypenko, Yevhen Petrushyn, Stanislav Stetsenko (Kudoley), Kyrylo Barannyk, Serhiy Voynarovskyi , Viktor Podvalnyi, Vitaliy Talavira, Denys Petranov, Ihor Kupich, Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Serhiy Kryvosheyin, Kostiantyn Yevmenenko, Ihor Zorin, Mykhaylo Chupil, Mykola Onuk, Volodymyr Anan’yev and others.

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