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Occupiers Sentenced Mamut Belialov, Crimean Tatar, Convicted of Preparing “Ex-Minister of Tourism” Assassination, to 12 Years in Custody

The occupation “Kiev District Court” of Simferopol convicted Mamut Belialov of storing the weapons and preparing an assassination of Vadim Volchenko, occupation ex-minister “of resorts and tourism”.

According to the occupation media, “prosecutor” Aleksandr Dombrovskiy was involved in the case, and “judge” Mikhail Belousov sentenced Mamut Belialov to 12 years in the maximum-security regime penal colony, and also fined him RUR350,000. In addition, the “judge” decided to charge one million rubles from Mr. Belialov in favor of Mr. Volchenko.

As reported by KRYM.Realii, Mamut Belialov, a 24-year-old resident of Sovetskyi, was detained on September 10, 2022 in Feodosiya and accused of attempting to assassinate the occupation “Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea”. Mamut was put to brutal torture and was held in the Simferopol Pre-trial Detention Center.

As Mamut told Nariman Dzhelial in the pre-trial detention center, in 2017 he entered the Kherson State Agrarian University, graduated from it, and began working as a cadastral engineer in a Kherson company. At the end of September 2021, due to family circumstances, he had to return to Crimea where he began to work at a construction site.

On September 10, 2022, Mamut Belialov was detained, and the next day he was charged with committing a crime under RF CC Article 30, Part 1, b), zh), z), and Article 105, Part 2 (Murder).

According to the text of the indictment, in the summer of 2022, a resident of Ukraine named Ilya allegedly planned the assassination of V.O. Volchenko, the “Minister of Resorts and Tourism” of Crimea. In order to carry out the criminal intent, he allegedly took Igor Tyshchenko (allegedly the direct perpetrator of the murder) and Mamut Belialov, who was supposed to find the weapon and hand over the monetary reward to Tyshchenko as accomplices.

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