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Ruslan Abdurakhmanov Abducted in Kherson Land Will Be Convoyed to Maximum Security Regime Penal Colony

Ruslan Abdurakhmanov sentenced to 5 years in confinement in the case of Crimean Tatar Noman Chelebidzhikhan Volunteer Battalion is being prepared to be convoyed to the maximum security regime penal colony. Now he is being held in Verkhneuralsk Prison (Cheliabinsk Region, Russian Federation). Mr. Abdurtakhmanov needs a surgery.

 This was told to the CHRG Mrs. Feride Abdurakhmanova, Ruslan’s wife. According to her words, from the moment the sentence was read out in August 2022, and till January 10, 2023, Mr. Abdurakhmanov was held in the Simferopol Pre-Trial Detention Center no 2 in inhuman conditions. Then he was convoyed to Cheliabinsk Region of Russia.

 “Now he is in Verkhneuralsk Prison. He has been forced several times to accept a Russian passport, but Ruslan always rejected the Russian citizenship. Now he is being prepared to be convoyed to a maximum-security regime penal colony, where specifically – we do not know, somewhere farther, in the Siberia’, his spouse told.

 Ruslan’s health condition, as she says, has significantly worsened, and he needs a surgery to remove three hernias in the cervical spine.

 “The hernias in the spine block a sufficient oxygen flow to reach the brain. As a result, every few minutes he has convulsions, microinfarctions, his body refuses. He needs an urgent surgery. He is given some minimal medicine, but it is not enough,” Mrs. Abdurakhmanova said.

 As reported by the CHRG, on April 18, 2022, balaclava wearing people armed with machine guns, with “DNR” patches and Russian flags broke into the house of the Abdurakhmanovs in the village of Azovs’ke (Heniches’k District).

 Mr. Abdurakhmanov was beaten, detained, interrogated at the building of the Professional College no 17 in Heniches’k with torture used, then he was forcibly transported to Simferopol, where, in the FSB building, he was pressured and interrogated. Due to constant pressure, threats and fear for his family, Mr. Abdurakhmanov gave false testimony.

 He reported the torture later in his letter.

On August 9, 2022, the “Kievskiy District Court” of Simferopol sentenced Mr. Abdurakhmanov to 5 years in the maximum security regime penal colony. The defence pressed by the RF FSB refused to appeal the sentence.

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