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How Ukraine Helps Civilian Hostages and Their Relatives? – Research Note

In 2021, upon the initiative of President of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine “On Social and Legal Protection of Persons Deprived of Personal Freedom as a Result of Armed Aggression Against Ukraine, and Their Family Members” (hereinafter the Law), no 2010-IX of 26 January 2022 (came in force on 19 November 2022), was adopted. The Law establishes a procedure for verifying the fact of deprival of personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine as well as key benefits for the persons whose freedom is unlawfully restricted by the Russian Federation, and their family members.

The Law, inter alia, stipulates giving annual and one-time monetary assistance, supporting the legal services payment, offering temporary accommodation, education privileges, etc.

However, though the year passed since the Law enforcement day, not all its pro- visions have been properly implemented, and the Law itself does not sufficiently sup- port exercising rights and additional benefits for those whose freedom was restricted as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine, and their family members.

The primary purpose of this research is to assess the status of implementing Law of Ukraine “On Social and Legal Protection of Persons Deprived of Personal Freedom as a Result of Armed Aggression Against Ukraine, and Their Family Members” for the year since its enforcement, and to make recommendations on improving the Law provision practical achievement.

The research note is prepared by experts of the Crimean Human Rights Group, ZMINA Center for Human Rights, CrimeaSOS, Media Initiative for Human Rights, EastSOS CF, the organizations acting in the human rights sphere, taking care of persons deprived of personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine, and documenting war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Research Note is available at the link

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